PVC pool lining

We sell PVC waterproof membrane linings for swimming pools. Renolit Alkorplan is the most common pool liner and we offer both installation and purchase.

The high-quality membrane is coated with a protective varnish that provides excellent UV stability, resistance to ageing and weathering, and adds fungicides and bactericides to prevent bacterial growth, making it durable. It is available in 7 different attractive colours.

RENOLIT ALKORPLAN3000 is part of the printed offer for swimming pools. It offers the same quality guarantees as RENOLIT ALKORPLAN2000, but with a modern design and textures. The membranes are protected with a highly durable multi-layer varnish that extends the life of the membrane and prevents premature aging.

Renolit Vogue

2 mm reinforced membrane, printed and embossed, inspired by the latest interior design trends to bring harmony between the interior and exterior of the home.
If you are looking for comfort and design in your home, why not do the same for your swimming pool?

Renolit Relief

The best multi-purpose anti-slip material on the market with 3. CTE levels It has the same colour offer as ALKORPLAN2000 and gives pools a modern, attractive look.

Renolit Tile

The most symmetrical design for swimming pools.

Renolit Touch

2 mm reinforced membrane with printing and embossing inspired by nature to give swimming pools character and personality.

Renolit Natural Pool

Reinforced membrane specifically designed for the lining of biological swimming ponds. It is guaranteed waterproof. Produced without biocides or fungicides to be fully compatible with plants and aquatic organisms.

Renolit Ceramics

The most symmetrical design for swimming pools.

Safe choice

The best-selling reinforeced swimming pool membrane on the market

  • Fits any pool shape and size
  • Guaranteed watertightness for 10 years even in the event of pool breakage
  • Almost no maintenance
  • Installation in half of the time
  • Suitable for application on any type of surface

10-year warranty

Renolit Alkorplan

We will help you choose the perfect decking for your swimming pool. Guaranteed watertight. Quick and easy installation. No fallen tiles or loose seams. Minimum maintenance.